What are smart goals setting examples for work? How can it help you?

Goal setting is our everyday task. We set many goals at times, but often fail at achieving them. Experts say that the problem starts from the beginning where you don’t set your goals right. If you are also facing this problem, then there is no issue at all. You can read the article below and look for some smart goals setting examples for work which will help you in achieving 90% of your goals.

10 Smart Goals Setting Examples For Work

Stay Specific

The first thing is to stay clear about your goal. By this, we mean you need to keep specific as much as you can. For example, instead of saying I will be an affiliate marketer online. Stay specific by naming a company whose affiliate, you would become. Say, for instance, I would be the affiliate of Amazon.com.

Keep It Measurable

Design a goal which is measurable regarding money. Once you keep it measurable, you will feel it as a benchmark which you have to achieve. For Example, you can make a goal of reaching the required sales target within two weeks.

Must Be Attainable

Not counting the overtime, a goal must be feasible. If you are working in the regular working hours, you must have a goal that is realistically achievable. This is an essential smart goals example for work. A goal of five sales a day may seem possible, but a target of more than 500 sales a day where you can’t get such a prominent figure easily is not logically correct.


The goal must stay connected to the objective. If you are interested in marketing and you are opting for an HR job, then you are cruel to yourself. Don’t do this. Stay relevant, and you will succeed.


A good goal is one which you set concerning time as well. If it is time-based, you will be able to achieve it as you will have a feeling about a deadline coming up. Time-based goals are much likely to be made compared to reasonable goals.

Prioritise Your Goals

Prioritizing your goals is another smart aims example for work. A quick goal is the one which is prioritised by importance. If you haven’t prioritised your goals, you might mess up each one of them instead of achieving even one of them.

Write It Down

A smart goal example for work is a goal which has been written down. Yes! Writing does matter. If you have written down your goal, you will be better focused towards it and will be able to achieve it in the set specific time. Writing makes everything stick to your head. Start making this a habit to write your goals.


Don’t go for too long goals and objectives. Keep them clear and concise. If they are well-written and not in too protracted paragraphs, they will be much easier to attain as they will feel easy to accomplish.

Stay Focused On Organization’s Objectives

Your goals must be set in regards to the purposes of the organisation. For example, it the organisation has the purpose of achieving a target of sales, your goal should stay in compliance with this. It is not right to state a goal of making better customer support in this situation. This is yet another smart goal example for work.


If you are planning to devise a goal, you must keep it flexible. For example, in most cases, a sales target goal is kept manageable by 3-6% up or down. There is no issue if you cross your goal, but there is a problem if you don’t achieve it. In case of non-achievement, make sure you are not having a long gap in the benchmark.


You must have a goal that is smart enough. Why? You are intelligent and intelligent people must set goals that are intelligent ones. The above article has an idea of some of the quick goal examples of work. These can also be taken as a characteristic of a good goal. Make sure you share this article with your friends so that they benefit as well.


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