Marketing tactics are strategic methods and high-level ideas that help promote the goods and services of a company and facilitate sales and maintain a competitive edge over other players in the market. Good marketing tactics increase business efficiency while at the same time satisfying customers.

Tactical marketing focuses on tactics a business employs to enable and streamline tasks as per the devised strategy. For instance, if there is a requirement to increase product penetration in the market by 10% then a strategy is needed to increase manufacturing, distribution, and advertisement to persuade consumers to buy the product repeatedly perhaps through offering a better value proposition.

If a marketing tactic is highlighting the company spokesperson through motivational speaking then you would highlight that person through videos uploaded and live transmissions on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, blog posts etcetera), article placement in business journals and newspapers, and interview placements, or even a public speaking opportunity in universities.

Simply put, marketing tactics help you reach your business goal.


Questions Prior to Devising Marketing Tactics

Before listing down marketing tactics to be employed for the achievement of business goals, a few questions should be answered first?


  1. What is our target market?
  2. Does our product offering relate to that target market?
  3. What’s our market budget?
  4. What are our target market’s areas of interest and what life roles do they perform?
  5. What percentage of the target market comprises of influencers and what percentage comprises of end consumers?
  6. How much time is required to implement those marketing tactics?
  7. What is the expected ROI and when can that be achieved?


6 Marketing Tactics to Help Drive Business

Marketing tactics could be many and used depending on the product or service your company is offering. Some of these could be:



Blogging/Content Marketing:

Blogs are quick and easy to launch, they demand investment in terms of time although not a large capital investment. These are the primary tool to implement an effective content marketing plan. Certain skills are required to develop and manage content, for instance, search engine optimization and the user of the right keywords.


If consistently and effectively utilized, a blog can turn out to be good marketing vehicles and help achieve good search engine ranking. If the ranking becomes favourable then prospects can be attracted easily.

Guest Posting:

Guest posting is an excellent tactic of gaining traffic and attracting attention towards your website/business through cross-linking. The effectiveness also depends upon which blog you have written the article for that helps you add up to your image of an industry thought leader for instance. Once you are able to route a user to your website, he/she can interact with content there thus being able to download free e-books, tutorials, get acquainted with special offers thus becoming a repeat visitor in the process.



Classified Advertisements:

Newspaper advertisements are fast to implement. It’s possible that prospects could turn into leads quickly; however, the copy should be effective enough to attract attention and should be carefully developed, especially a crisp headline.



Magazine Advertisements:

Unlike newspapers, magazines focus on a smaller subscriber base over a larger geographic area and could turn out to be very effective in terms of placing advertisements because of the nice market they cater to. For example, if your company sells knitting products then you may want to place an advertisement in a particular knitting magazine that goes right to the targeted audience.



Contest and Sweepstakes:

With the advent of social media, developing contests and generating results has become quick and even more engaging. These fall into the category of secondary media and are most readily used in marketing campaigns with the aim of brand building and creating awareness.



These are expensive and ROI is slow and not immediately achieved.



Cross-selling or Brand Collaborations:

Cross-selling means you sell an additional product with your existing one to the same customer, whereas, brand collaboration is something in which two companies form an alliance for working together thus being able to create synergy. This strategy as a result of which the customer is buying company B’s product with the purchase of company A’s product, for instance, helps create efficiency by being able to have an extensive collaborative marketing budget, the airtime is decreased and money is saved as you get to advertise two brands for the cost of one brand.


Examples of brand collaboration include Bonne Belle & Dr. Pepper: Flavored Lip Balm, and Uber & Spotify: Soundtrack for Your Ride.


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