2004 – George W. Bush
More Presidential Campaign Slogans
Year | Candidate | Slogans |
1840 | William Henry Harrison | Tippecanoe and Tyler Too |
1844 | James K. Polk | 54-40 or Fight |
1844 | James K. Polk | Reannexation of Texas and Reoccupation of Oregon |
1844 | Henry Clay | Who is James K. Polk? |
1848 | Zachary Taylor | For President of the People |
1856 | John C. Fremont | Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Speech, Free Men, and Fremont |
1860 | Abraham Lincoln | Vote Yourself a Farm |
1864 | Abraham Lincoln | Don’t Swap Horses in the Middle of the Stream |
1884 | Grover Cleveland | Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, The Continental Liar from the State of Maine |
1884 | James Blaine | Ma, Ma, Where’s my Pa, Gone to the White House, Ha, Ha, Ha |
1888 | Benjamin Harrison | Rejuvenated Republicanism |
1896 | William McKinley | Patriotism, Protection, and Prosperity |
1896 | William McKinley | Good Money Never Made Times Hard |
1900 | William McKinley | A Full Dinner Pail |
1916 | Woodrow Wilson | He Kept Us Out Of War |
1920 | Warren G. Harding | Return to Normalcy |
1920 | Warren G. Harding | Cox and Cocktails |
1924 | Calvin Coolidge | Keep Cool With Coolidge |
1928 | Herbert Hoover | A Chicken in Every Pot and a Car in Every Garage |
1952 | Dwight Eisenhower | I Like Ike |
1956 | Dwight Eisenhower | Peace and Prosperity |
1960 | Richard Nixon | For the Future |
1964 | Lyndon B. Johnson | The Stakes are too High for You to Stay at Home |
1964 | Barry Goldwater | In your Heart you Know he’s Right |
1968 | Richard Nixon | Nixon’s the One |
1976 | Gerald Ford | He’s Making us Proud Again |
1976 | Jimmy Carter | Not Just Peanuts |
1976 | Jimmy Carter | A Leader, For a Change |
1980 | Ronald Reagan | Are you better off than you were four years ago? |
1984 | Ronald Reagan | It’s Morning Again in America |
1984 | Walter Mondale | America Needs a Change |
1988 | George Bush | Kinder, Gentler Nation |
1992 | Bill Clinton | Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow |
1992 | Bill Clinton | Putting People First |
1992 | Ross Perot | Ross for Boss |
1996 | Bill Clinton | Building a Bridge to the 21st Century |
1996 | Bob Dole | The Better Man for a Better America |
2000 | Al Gore | Prosperity and Progress |
2000 | Al Gore | Prosperity for America’s Families |
2000 | George W. Bush | Compassionate Conservatism |
2000 | George W. Bush | Leave no Child Behind |
2000 | George W. Bush | Real Plans for Real People |
2000 | George W. Bush | Reformer With Results |
2000 | Ralph Nader | Government Of, By, and For the People…Not the Monied Interests |
2004 | John Kerry | Let America be America Again |
2004 | George W. Bush | Yes, America Can! |
2008 | John McCain | Country First |
2008 | Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In |
2008 | Barack Obama | Change We Need |
2008 | Barack Obama | Hope |
2008 | Barack Obama | Yes We Can! |
2012 | Barack Obama | Forward |
2012 | Mitt Romney | Believe in America |
Political Campaign Buttons
Also, here is an infographic showcasing promotional political campaign buttons from 1944 to 2008 of winners and losers in the US presidential elections: