


Despite the negative effects on health, fast food restaurants remain in high demand in today’s era. Although the reasons for this high demand can be credited to lesser price, convenience, busy lives and changing societal structures from collectivism to individualism; but over time, these fast food restaurant chains have managed to pile up strong brand equity. And “strong” may possibly be an understatement. When people develop an association with a certain brand, they can ideally recall 2 things: brand name and it’s slogan. I already posted about the importance of brand slogans in one of my earlier posts: 40 Best Advertising Slogans of Modern Brands, but will quickly recap. As cheesy as this may sound, good brand slogans are like great spouses to brand names. Yep. That’s right. A good slogan is reflective and supportive of what the brand stands for. It will spell out the very gist of why…