
Sony Playstation


Playstation 4 came up with a great video ad campaign just a few days back that already earned thousands of youtube views. As the slogan of Playstation 4 suggests, greatness does definitely await for crazy gamers around the world! The ad starts with a blonde guy in an immaculate suit, and sleek hair, stepping out of his crashed car, and boldly asking the viewers, “Who are you not to be great?” The ad continues as the blonde guy walks out, talking to the camera, saying why shouldn’t us, the viewers settle to being ordinary because, apparently greatness awaits for all of us. By the end of the video, the man is in the middle of a wrecked city, with burned tires and demolished buildings, as a bunch of Playstation characters share the screen and the blonde guy makes his way past them kicking and punching a few on the way.…