Tommy’s Diner & Burger came up with some really cool print adverts positioning hunger as one’s worst enemy. I was completely perplexed when I saw this at first. But they executed the strategy with great supporting creatives to register their point. The first version shows Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, illustrated in Obama’s stomach, and the second one shows the Joker in Batman’s stomach.

Don’t let hunger beat you! Make the first move and eliminate your hunger from its roots at Tommy’s Diner & Burger.





I’m a marketing strategist by day. Marketing and strategy are 2 things that I enjoy because they give me the chance to do what I do best: think, identify opportunities, and connect the dots. By night, I love to inspire people to think big. I truly believe and advocate that every individual has the potential to go beyond what he or she thinks they’re capable of.

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