Car wrap advertising is a type of ambient marketing that is used to generate visibility for brands at a relatively lower cost. It is an efficient and cost effective marketing tool not only used by bigger brands as support media, but also by small and medium sized businesses as part of their awareness driving arsenal.

Vehicle advertising or Car wrap advertising, as the name suggests, is a way of marketing by using branded cars as an out-of-home media. Cars are wrapped with branded vinyl or car stickers carrying an advertising message, and they are then driven around in the selected area for maximum advertising exposure. Have you ever seen a car branded with advertising messages roaming in your city? Well, that’s what it is. It helps businesses to reach out to a maximum number of people living in a certain vicinity. It is also commonly referred to as carvertising.


1. Red Bull

A good example of car wrap or vehicle advertising has been regularly executed by the energy drink, Red Bull. I say this because Red Bull is a brand known for guerrilla marketing, brand activations and sampling activities directed towards the youth, and they use this ambient advertising media very aesthetically by integrating it with the brand’s image.


Unlike Red Bull, there are many big brands that use car wrap advertising by branding cars, on a campaign to campaign basis.


2. Bloomingdales

An ambient carvertising campaign to announce the opening of its store is an effective way to target a geographically located audience.bloomingdales-wrapped-vehicle


3. Bud Light Lime

How about using branded cars as a media to generate awareness for a new brand launch? Imagine encountering this advertising message on a branded car on your way to the store. If it caught your attention, you might as well pick up the product to try it.



4. Jack FM

This branded car is being used to increase listenership of Jack’s Show on Jack FM 93.1 radio station. Considering the fact that radio listenership is high during drive times, ambient vehicle branding is definitely a good idea.



5. Sumo Salads

What is a better way to literally show “Sumo” Salads in a branded car wrap campaign? In my opinion, humour nicely implemented in an advertising campaign helps to build recall.



Vehicle branding is also an important ambient advertising tool for small and medium sized businesses. You must have seen food delivery cars and vans branded with advertising messages. And because this is a cost effective way to reach out to a larger and relevant audience, it makes perfect sense for them to use it.




I’m a marketing strategist by day. Marketing and strategy are 2 things that I enjoy because they give me the chance to do what I do best: think, identify opportunities, and connect the dots. By night, I love to inspire people to think big. I truly believe and advocate that every individual has the potential to go beyond what he or she thinks they’re capable of.

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