Safety slogans are a way to propagate a ‘safe’ and ‘secure’ environment in the workplace or within in a community. Hazards can happen in places where we least expect them to happen – it’s always good to remind people of them.

And safety slogans help to serve that purpose of being a reminder to save people from injuries and life threatening hazards. Click here to check out some funny safety slogans here.

Don’t forget to check our ultimate slogans guide

What are Safety Slogans and Why they are Important?

Safety slogans are like those everyday symbols and signs that we read every day, but don’t pay much heed to. They are some of the most important messages that fall in this category. But they can truly save lives if taken seriously. For example, you might have seen posters on the subway, or around the school with slogans like:“A Stranger is a Danger” and have not given it a second thought.

But it might have remained in your subconscious, and is triggered when a creepy stranger walks up to you.

Putting Safety Slogans to Work

Safety slogans are relevant only if they are enforced the right way. Things to consider while using a safety slogan include:

1. The Relevant Area of Placing Safety Slogans

Make sure your slogan is placed within a relevant environment. This will help people to connect with the slogan more by imagining the worst that can happen. Sometimes the anticipation of fear instilled through a safety slogan, can encourage people to maintain safety procedures.

2. Wide Angle of Exposure for Your Safety Slogans

Ensure visibility of where you place your safety slogans. A slogan or a poster placed at a corner (or area) where anyone barely looks at – is not going to drive action. A few tips to improve visibility could be placing your slogan at eye-level, and in a busy street or a shop display

3. The Content of Your Safety Slogan

The content of your safety slogans need to be clear, concise and impactful. Also ensure that your message resonates with the people it is intended for. You can use a slogan full of marketing jargon for people who have no clue about marketing.

Of course, while the first 2 depend on the area of work, the last one needs to be carefully considered before deployment. Things like funny safety slogans or a graphic image may carry much more impact than a simple quote.

List of 150+ Safety Slogans to Inspire Your to Create One

Here is a list of 150+ Safety Slogans that you can use to inspire your very own safety slogan – for your community, workplace, or anywhere you feel one is needed. Own up to your responsibility, and help save lives and injuries.

S. No.  List of Safety Slogans
1 A hardhat on your head keeps you from being dead.
2 A harness is better than a hearse.
3 A wound neglected is a wound infected.
4 Accident prevention – Your No. 1 intention.
5 Accidents hurt – Safety doesn’t.
6 Always think safety no matter what the task.
7 Be a safety hero – score an accident zero.
8 Be aware – Take care.
9 Be aware of slips and trips.
10 Be Safe at Work Today; Call In Sick.
11 Be sure be safe.
12 Before you start be safety smart.
13 Better to be safe than to be sorry.
14 Better to lock out than luck out.
15 Broken tools can be replaced. You can’t.
16 Caution: Read, then proceed.
17 Check for safety then recheck
18 Consider yourself hugged
19 Consider yourself hugged
20 Crushed Hands Or Missing Fingers May Affect Your Golf Swing
21 Do the do’s not the don’ts
22 Don’t Fall Asleep At Work and Get Your Head Caught In a Splicing Bar.
23 Don’t fix the blame, fix the problem
24 Don’t get caught in the web of unsafe acts
25 Don’t get caught with your guard off – it could be disarming
26 Don’t Get Papercuts; They Hurt
27 Don’t watch her behind. Keep safety in mind!
28 Dont get hurt or you’ll get fired
29 Dont slip when carrying your breakfast – you’ll end up with egg on your face
30 Electricity can kill you in spectacular ways
31 Failing to prepare, Preparing to fail
32 Falling objects can be brutal if you don’t protect your noodle
33 Follow the safety rules or you will be fired before you hit the ground
34 Get the safety habit
35 Guard against man eating machines
36 Hard hats, they’re not just for decoration
37 Hear today gone tomorrow – use your hearing protection
38 Hearing protection is a sound investment
39 If everything comes your way, you are in the wrong lane
40 If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?
41 If safety is just zero harm then love is just zero hate
42 If you are aware of it take care of it
43 If you aren’t wearing your hard hat, bang head on brick repeatedly
44 If you don’t go to work, you can’t get hurt
45 If you don’t make safety first, there’ll be hospital next. Safety first or hospital next
46 If you don’t think it will happen to you, find the person who had it happen to them
47 If you lift with your back, you’ll hear it crack
48 If you plan on violating the Fall Protection rules, please leave details for next of kin
49 if your knowledge of safety was dynamite, you would not have enough to blow your nose
50 In case of fire, exit building before tweeting about it
51 Invest in tomorrow. Practice safety today
52 It’s better to correct an unsafe friend than to bury one
53 Just because you always did it that way, doesn’t make it right.
54 K.I.S.S. – Keep It Safe and Sound
55 Know safety No Accidents
56 Ladder safety has it’s ups and downs. (also works with elevator and escalator safety)
57 Leave sooner, drive slower, live longer
58 Let safety be a sponge – soak it up
59 Look sharp don’t get cut
60 Make safety a reality and don’t be a fatality
61 Make your plant the best – safer than all the rest
62 Never give safety a day off
63 No Safety – Know Pain, Know Safety – No Pain
64 Normal speed meets every need
65 One safe act can lead to another
66 Our Goal…Zero Harm
67 Protect your hands…..Use your head.
68 Put your brakes on speed
69 Risk – is it worth it?
70 Safe to do?  Ask
71 Safety – a good friend to take home
72 Safety – been there, done that
73 Safety – everyone’s full time job
74 Safety – it’s in your hands
75 Safety – it’s the tool for LIFE
76 Safety – Live with it
77 Safety awareness saves lives
78 Safety begins with teamwork
79 Safety comes before schedule only in the dictionary
80 Safety comes in a can, I can, You can, We can be safe
81 Safety first – Please remember
82 Safety first and last longer
83 Safety First, Last and Always
84 SAFETY FIRST, People Second
85 Safety Glasses on Your Nose
86 Safety glasses: All in favor say “Eye!”
87 Safety has no time out
88 Safety is a full time job – don’t make it a part time practice
89 Safety is a state of mind – Accidents are an absence of mind
90 Safety is a way of life
91 Safety is as simple as ABC…Always Be Careful
92 Safety is free use it generously
93 Safety is great unless you’re late
94 Safety is no accident
95 Safety is our business too
96 Safety is our goal what’s yours?
97 Safety is success by purpose – Not Accident
98 Safety is the most productive business
99 Safety pays
100 Safety Pays – so the trades don’t have to
101 Safety rules are your best tools
102 Safety Shoes To House Your Toes
103 Safety Shoes To House Your Toes; Safety Glasses on Your Nose
104 Safety slogans are nifty – Give me my fifty
105 Safety starts with me
106 Safety starts with S but begins with you
107 Safety’s alright if you got all night
108 Safety’s fine if you got the time
109 Safety’s OK if you got all day
110 Safety…Do It For Life
111 Save tomorrow.
112 Shortcuts cut life short
113 Stand up for safety
114 Stay safe or die trying
115 Stop accidents before they stop you
116 Stop unsafe acts now
117 Stop! Think! Then Act!
118 Team up to safety
119 The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense
120 The first 3 letters in workplace safety – YOU
121 The goal must be zero accidents
122 The safest RISK is the one you didn’t take
123 Think positive an accident is only an attitude away
124 Think safety – Avoid unsafe acts
125 Think safety – It couldn’t hurt
126 Think Safety Today
127 Those who work the safest way, live to work another day
128 To avoid a scene keep your workplace clean
129 Tomorrow – Your reward for working safely today
130 Turn your attention to accident prevention
131 Watch your step – it could be your last
132 We need you – work safely
133 We upped our safety – up yours!
134 Wear safety shoes and keep a good footing on life
135 When in doubt get out
136 When safety is a factor, call in a contractor
137 When walkways freeze – walk safely please
138 When you gamble with safety you bet your life
139 While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work
140 Wipe up and avoid a slip up
141 Work related injuries are punishable by mountains of HR and insurance paperwork
142 Work Safely and Carry a Big Lunch Box
143 Work smarter not harder
144 Working without safety is a dead end job
145 You cant pick up your pay with no fingers
146 You get what you inspect, not what you expect
147 You will achieve the level of safety excellence that you demonstrate you want
148 You’ll look pretty stupid trying to eat corn on the cob with no teeth
149 Your good health is your greatest wealth
150 Your head will go splat without your hard hat
151 Your Wife Will Spend Your 401K – If You Get Killed At Work Today
152 Zero compromise towards safety
153 Zero in on safety
154 Zero tolerance on safety

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