How can a slogan be classified as part of the best advertising slogans list? Having a good slogan for your brand is one of the fundamentals of branding. If done right of course! Don’t you think so?

But then, there are business owners who just don’t comprehend why having a slogan for their business is important. We live in an age of advertising where all brands, whether big or small, use a slogan to stand out.

So, what can an advertising slogan do for me? Think of an advertising slogan like a personal identity for your brand. A belief system that defines your brand’s personality. Slogans serve as a value statement, that highlights the core essence of the brand for existing and potential customers.

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Having your own blog is very important for your business or personal branding. Click here to learn how to create a blog.

There are so many company slogans out there, but the best advertising slogans are the ones that truly bring out the very reason a brand exists for.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the best advertising slogans of modern brands and have ensured that this list is comprehensive enough taking into account a variety of company slogans.

If you think we’ve missed an important one that you consider best, leave your choice in the comments section below and we’ll review it for inclusion in this list.

How are the Best Advertising Slogans Determined?

What makes an advertising slogan average, good, or the best?

Best advertising slogans are the ones that truly describe what a brand, or a company, stands for in the shortest way possible; something that sticks to the consumers’ mind and helps the product to stand out.

As I mentioned earlier, it should highlight what a brand exists for! It should convey what is it that this brand is in the market to do? Of course, every brand is there to make money, but from a consumers point of view does an advertisement slogan say enough?

Does it really tell the consumer what need/desire is this brand going to fulfill?

I’m pretty sure you get the idea.

The Power of Advertising Slogans

50+ Catchy Campaign Slogans of US Presidential Candidates

Complete List of 50 Best Advertising Slogans of Modern Brands

SHOW ME the Biggest Slogans Guide Ever.

Check our list of the best advertising slogans, and leave a comment below of which ones you like the most.

  1. Harley Davidson – American by Birth. Rebel by Choice.
  2. Volkswagen – Think Small.
  3. Porsche – There is no substitute.
  4. Aston Martin – Power, beauty and soul.
  5. Walmart – Save Money. Live Better.
  6. Reebok – I am what I am.
  7. Nike – Just do it.
  8. Adidas – Impossible is Nothing.
  9. Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.
  10. Marks & Spencer – The customer is always and completely right!
  11. Levis – Quality never goes out of style.
  12. Tag Heuer – Success. It’s a Mind Game.
  13. 3M – Innovation.
  14. IBM – Solutions for a smart planet.
  15. Sony – Make Believe.
  16. IMAX – Think big.
  17. DuPont – The miracles of science.
  18. Energizer – Keeps going and going and going.
  19. PlayStation – Live in your world. Play in ours.
  20. EA – Challenge everything.
  21. Blogger – Push button publishing.
  22. Canon – See what we mean.
  23. Nikon – At the heart of the image.
  24. Kodak – Share moments. Share life.
  25. Olympus – Your vision. Our future.
  26. FedEx – When there is no tomorrow.
  27. Red Cross – The greatest tragedy is indifference.
  28. Disneyland – The happiest place on earth.
  29. Holiday Inn – Pleasing people the world over.
  30. Hallmark – When you care enough to send the very best.
  31. Fortune – For the men in charge of change.
  32. Ajax – Stronger than dirt.
  33. Yellow Pages – Let your fingers do the walking.
  34. McDonalds – I’m loving it. (Want to check the list of fast food slogans?)
  35. KFC – Finger lickin’ good.
  36. Burger King – Have it your way.
  37. Coca Cola – Twist the cap to refreshment.
  38. M&Ms – Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
  39. Nokia – Connecting people.
  40. Vodafone – Make the most of now.
  41. Starbucks slogan – Coffee that inspires.
  42. Solex – It’s Style.
  43. Red Lobster – Seafood Differently.
  44. Mazda – Zoom Zoom.
  45. Coca Cola – You can’t beat the real thing.
  46. Apple – Think different.
  47. Coca Cola – Open Happiness
  48. Coca Cola – Enjoy (Coke Slogans).
  49. Jaguar – Own a Jaguar at a price of a car.
  50. Marathon Petroleum – Fueling the American Spirit

Out of this list, I love Tag Heuer’s, Fortune’s and Harley Davidson’s slogans the best. What do you think?



I’m a marketing strategist by day. Marketing and strategy are 2 things that I enjoy because they give me the chance to do what I do best: think, identify opportunities, and connect the dots. By night, I love to inspire people to think big. I truly believe and advocate that every individual has the potential to go beyond what he or she thinks they’re capable of.


  1. InvisibleZombie Reply

    What makes them good? Well, I missed my calling because I could really advise so many companies that drop the ball on advertising in the 21st century, but until they pay me I’ll keep my secrets to myself. ;)

    I will say that after years and years of hearing and seeing “Can you hear me now?” I still could never tell you what phone company it was for. I think most ad companies go by the Emperor’s new clothes analogy, they convince the company that their advertisement is the finest in the land, but they’re throwing their gold at a bunch of nothing.

    • Thanks for commenting @InvisibleZombie:disqus . You are right in terms of the companies dropping the ball on advertising and bombarding consumers with thousands of advertisements. However, brand relevance is a key factor in that as well.

      Nonetheless, the focus of this post was to discuss the importance of advertising slogans to brands and not advertising methodology :).

      Personally, I am an advocate of smart advertising that delivers results. And I would love to hear from you about your secrets ;).

      • InvisibleZombie Reply

        Yes I do agree with the essence of the story that these are all examples of good slogans. I guess my mind always thinks along the lines of “effective” slogans as in you’ll remember both the slogan and the product in conjunction with each other.

        One of my “secrets” is that i don’t have a dvr so I’m “forced” to watch commercials, making me be a bit more analytical on how well they work, or not. Plus I watched a lot of “Bewitched” as a kid!

        • Effective ad slogans are becoming more and more important with time due to increasing clutter and competition in advertising.

          Haha. I’m sure watching Bewitched added to your analytical side :). Honestly, I think watching commercials and analysing them is a good way of learning. Always helps.

          And once again, I second that, because working at ad agencies and analysing competitor advertisements over the years helped me a lot too.

          Pleasure to have you as a contributing reader.

          • InvisibleZombie

            I’d be glad to e-mail you some of my thoughts and ideas. probably best to get them off my chest anyway! (No “rants” I promise.)

          • Hi there, im just a small tree service company owner who’s trying to put together a mini holliday campaign. Might you have an idea of a good company slogan. I’m breaking my head here trying to think of something unique and good. Everything I come up with is so wasted. Pleeeease help me!

          • Have any ideas for realtor business? Buying Re/Max franchise and need to rename our website and slogan. Want it to be catchy and memorable to stand out from the rest of realtors around.

  2. André Lopes Reply

    From coca-cola I prefer Open Happiness, great campains were made with this slogan, very contemporary.

      • Erika Whitmore Reply

        If anyone wants me to take a crack at any – I was in tv advertising and i have always been obsessed with making up slogans – even when I was a little kid I would cajole my little friends into “playing commercials” with me…right now as a matter of fact I was making an entire campaign up in my head for the country of Sweden (my nationality) – just for fun…it’s a pretty elaborate on-going evergreen that has both print and broadcast potential…outdoor, as well. Anyway…I guess I am really a dork…who loves advertising…eats, breathes and sleeps it, yet is out of work and has been for AGES…sigh…back to the creative board..whee!

  3. I have got a project to make a poster.. I want your help… would you suggest me a product and a power phrase… it could be some company of whom I have to make poster… and this should be imaginative.. should not be existing already….

  4. Robert Vance Reply

    “Fueling the American Spirit” – Marathon Petroleum (a far cry from others trying to tell you how clean their gasoline is!)

  5. Your list is enlightening. I have got a great slogan for Mountain Dew…very catchy. Wonder how i can share it.

  6. dana matherson Reply

    Mcdonalds is good, especially the angus burgers on friday after school.
    It’s the koebel’s fault, though its partly the governments too.
    Salt is better than sugar though sugar is pretty good.
    Tyler is so cool he’s cool.

    • ben lightner Reply

      Or simply: Coke – enjoy.

      After looking at all of Coke’s slogans through the years, most of them are flat out terrible. “Open Happiness” and “Enjoy.” are my two favorite because of their crisp simplicity. The essence of the slogan embodies the product…it’s brilliant.

  7. rogerthat!! Reply

    Hey Sarosh, Great list but i think you missed out on Apple or was it not that appealing to you?
    Would it be possible for you to email me your understanding on some of these taglines in terms of the audience it targets and the creativity involved?
    [email protected]

  8. Kabita Barma Reply

    i want a catchy line for making advertisement on kitchen modular for godrej..please help me

  9. Scott Faulkner Reply

    You should consider a classic (in my opinion)business slogan from UPS… Moving at the speed of business.

  10. David González Reply

    I’m missing “Think different” . It was an amazing response to Think and it pushed forward the brand itself

  11. philip onyeador Reply

    Hi sir, I would appreciate if you can recommend to me a Good advertising book to read so as to boost my ad skills. Also been the BDM of my firm am tasked with creating frequent broad cast messages. I would appreciate so much if you can help out on this.

    Thank you.


  12. You missed my favourite: L’Oreal’s “Because you’re worth it.” Not only does it make the listener think “damn right I am” and go out and buy the product, it gives them a reason to pay a high price!

  13. Raphael Oluwasegunfunmi Scales Reply

    Get the best business names and slogans starting at 5$ only. talk to the pro :

  14. Jalil Ahmad Reply

    Importance of advertising slogans to brands-discussion topic

    It gives a Creative Touch to our Brand.

  15. Melinda Todd Reply

    Check the cereals for the cream of rice. I’m sure it’s not “Fluten” free :)

  16. Priya Thakkar Reply

    I LOVE the Harley Davidson slogan!!! I TOTES relate to it!!!

  17. Fred Luchetti Reply

    You missed Apple: Think Different. Older and no longer used but still one of the most powerful tag lines ever.

  18. Really Mad Man Reply

    Hey, Invisible Zombie! I think you’re full of BS. I work in advertising
    and I find in really annoying when people who aren’t in the industry
    start offering their second rate opinions. The magic of advertising is
    that it makes everything look really simple, when in reality, it’s a
    head screw.

    If you really think you’ve missed your calling, then
    pick up a pen and a pad, head to the nearest big agency and ask then for
    a job trial. Then after a week of having your head constantly fried,
    You can disappear back under the rock from where you came.

  19. One that was overlooked, but I personally think is one of the best, is Red Lobster’s “Seafood Differently”. Catchy.

  20. Invisible Zombie: It seems that all you talk about is see through even your name suggest that you are invisible and when your not invisible your seen as the walking dead now that’s how you market yourself to the world, marketing is about seeing, hearing something that will make you want to want it feel it and experience it, your idea cant be that good on marketing, because you could not sell it yet, please don’t ever go into sales because you need to be noticed and seen before you can invoice.

  21. RoAl Albutra Reply

    When I worked as Advertising Executive for local tabloids (Suns Star-Davao), local tv station (RGMA-7 Davao) and national news paper (Manila Bulletin) I see to it that all the advertisers, as well as, those company I represented were fully satisfied up to the after sales services. My biggest contribution in local advertising (Davao City) is when I closed a contract of ‘FULL COLOR ADS’. The biggest turn around from ‘black & white’ to ‘full colored ads’. So, I can humbly say: I am the FIRST to make big in local newspaper ad placement here in Davao City, Philippines.

    • That’s surely an inspiring story RoAl. And I totally get how it feels when you make your first biggest contribution as a fresh executive in the advertising industry. I remember the time when I first saw the TV ads I planned for as a media planner in my first job. Can’t forget that :).

  22. I think the previous Peugeot slogan of “Engineered to be enjoyed” was one of the best quotes.

  23. One of my favorites recently has got to be Android – “Be together, not the same”

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